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Book Review: Make Epic Money by Ankur Warikoo | Free Download "pdf"

Make Epic Money 

"Make Epic Money" by Ankur Warikoo, a well-known entrepreneur and motivational speaker, is a compelling guide aimed at helping readers navigate the complex world of personal finance and entrepreneurship. With over a decade of experience in the business world, Warikoo shares his insights and experiences to provide a comprehensive roadmap for achieving financial success. The book is structured around practical advice and actionable steps, making it accessible to readers from various backgrounds. Key characters in the narrative are drawn from Warikoo's own life and professional journey, adding a personal touch to the financial wisdom he imparts.

Overall Thoughts and Feelings

Ankur Warikoo's "Make Epic Money" is an inspiring and practical guide combining personal anecdotes and solid financial advice. For instance, he advises on the importance of budgeting and saving, and provides a step-by-step guide on how to create a personal budget. Warikoo's engaging writing style makes complex financial concepts easy to understand, and his enthusiasm for the subject is evident throughout the book. The author's ability to break down financial strategies into simple, actionable steps is one of the book's major strengths. Warikoo's passion for helping others achieve financial independence shines through, making this book informative and motivational.

Writing Style and Character Development

Warikoo's writing style is conversational and approachable, which helps demystify the often intimidating world of finance. He uses clear, concise language and avoids jargon, making the book accessible to readers with varying levels of financial literacy. The inclusion of personal stories and real-life examples, which many readers can relate to, adds depth to the narrative. This approach also helps to build a connection with the author, making the advice feel more trustworthy and achievable.

Literary Themes and Motifs

Several key themes run throughout "Make Epic Money," including financial independence, entrepreneurship, and the importance of mindset. Warikoo emphasizes the power of taking control of one's economic future and the role that discipline and perseverance play in achieving success. The book also highlights the significance of continuous learning and adaptability in the fast-paced world of business and finance. Warikoo's emphasis on the psychological aspects of wealth-building, such as overcoming fear and developing a growth mindset, adds a unique dimension to the book.

Pacing and Structure

The book is well-structured, with each chapter building logically on the previous one. It begins with an introduction to the author's personal journey and the principles that underpin his financial success. Subsequent chapters delve into specific financial strategies and concepts, such as budgeting, investing, and entrepreneurship. Warikoo maintains a steady pace throughout, balancing detailed explanations with practical examples and actionable advice. Including summary points and key takeaways at the end of each chapter helps reinforce the material and ensures that readers can quickly implement the strategies discussed. There are no slow or confusing parts; the narrative flows smoothly from start to finish.

Use of Language and Imagery

Warikoo's use of language is straightforward and effective. He has a talent for creating vivid imagery through his anecdotes and examples, which helps to bring the material to life. One particularly memorable passage describes the feeling of financial freedom as "standing on the edge of a vast, open plain, with endless possibilities stretching out before you." This imagery captures what Warikoo aims to help his readers achieve.

Emotional Impact

"Make Epic Money" is both inspiring and thought-provoking. Warikoo's personal stories add an emotional depth to the book, making the financial advice more relatable and impactful. After reading this book, readers will likely feel motivated and empowered, knowing that they have the tools to take control of their financial future. Warikoo's passion for the subject is contagious, and his optimism and enthusiasm will likely leave a lasting impression.

Themes and Messages

The central message of "Make Epic Money" is that financial independence is achievable for anyone willing to put in the effort and adopt the right mindset. Warikoo underscores the importance of self-belief, perseverance, and continuous learning. The book also critiques societal norms around money and success, encouraging readers to think critically about their financial goals and the steps they must take to achieve them. Warikoo's emphasis on ethical entrepreneurship, which he defines as a business approach that prioritizes social and environmental impact alongside financial returns, and giving back to the community adds a socially responsible dimension to the book.

Strengths and Weaknesses

One of the book's main strengths is its practical, actionable advice. Warikoo's ability to break down complex financial concepts into simple steps makes the book highly useful. The personal anecdotes and real-life examples add a relatable touch, and the emphasis on mindset and psychological factors provides a well-rounded approach to financial success. However, it's important to note that the book's focus is primarily on entrepreneurship. While it does touch on other forms of wealth-building, such as investing and saving, those looking for a more comprehensive discussion of personal finance might find some advice essential.


"Make Epic Money" is highly recommended for aspiring entrepreneurs, young professionals, and individuals interested in personal finance and entrepreneurship. It is particularly beneficial for those starting their financial journey, but its motivational tone and practical advice make it a valuable resource for anyone interested in personal finance and entrepreneurship, regardless of their level of experience.


4.5 out of 5 stars


Overall, "Make Epic Money" by Ankur Warikoo is an inspiring and practical guide to achieving financial success. Warikoo's engaging writing style, personal anecdotes, and actionable advice make this book a valuable resource for anyone looking to take control of their financial future. Whether you're new to personal finance or entrepreneurship, or you're already on your financial journey, the book's emphasis on mindset and continuous learning offers valuable insights that cater to your needs and stage of life.


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